Everyone has the digital technology capacity to fully participate in our communities and digital world
Our Mission
Our mission is to help communities plan and adopt strategies that foster meaningful access to the digital skills, technology help and resources community members need for civic and cultural participation, employment, access to essential services and lifelong learning.

Digital Access is Essential
Full engagement in our communities requires quality access to digital technologies and the skills and support to use technology in a safe and meaningful way.
It is vital for maintaining relationships, pursuing interests and doing day to day tasks.
It is essential for social connectedness with family, friends and our communities.

Community Role
Every community sector relies on digital technology to connect with people as customers, clients and active residents.
We can all contribute to a thriving community by helping to ensure digital technology is not a barrier to that connection.
Communities thrive when all residents have the ability to live healthy, active and engaged lives.
Collaboration is Key
Our communities can come together to foster effective digital opportunity for all.
We can work together to plan and implement strategies the result in sustainable, effective and realistic solutions.

A Connected and Thriving Community
Digital opportunity for all means community members have:
Access to devices that meet individual needs
Access to digital skills education
Quality technical support
Affordable, robust internet service
Content designed to enable self-sufficiency

Connecting to Thrive can support communities by helping to strengthen connections, raise awareness, and foster strategies that promote a strategic approach to digital opportunity planning. The key is engaging stakeholders. Together, we can meet the needs of our communities with effective and sustainable solutions.
Community Members
Healthcare Providers
Community Centers
Non-profit organizations
Transportation Providers
Residential Settings
Government Agencies
Chambers of Commerce
Faith Communities
Service Providers
Insurance Organizations
Many More!
Technology constantly changes, but the fundamental need to stay connected does not.

Rebekah Crosby
Rebekah's path has taken her from health lawyer to compliance professional focused on training and communication to a master's level library school student. Every step of the way her focus has been on helping people get the information they need and providing it in a clear and understandable way.
About Us.

Carolyn Leslie
Carolyn's path has taken her from a career in finance to non-profit founder to deep involvement in services and issues related to older people as a caretaker. Every step of the way her focus has been on making a direct positive impact and focusing on fostering connections that inspire others to do the same.